Wednesday, January 16, 2008

clicking buttons

where oh where are all the buttons to click?


Kim said...

I, too, love to click the buttons. I'll let you know if I find any fun ones...Kim

MsLinda said...

Buttons, buttons everywhere, and what fun they are to click. I like the dashboard button. Seems to be the most helpful.

MyraG said...

Hi Library Lady!
When you have some time, post your reflection on the discovery exercises on "Thing #1" (you can name your post Thing #1 -- Web 2.0) and the another post on "Thing #2" -- Blogging. I know this can be time-consuming, but the info is oh, so good. The reflections/discussion of each "Thing" is how we will document our class for credit. We'll go over tips for blogging in class if you have any questions. See you then!