Monday, April 7, 2008

Thing #22 cellphone

After looking at all of the information that your cell phone can do i realize that I am also being left behind...there are so many things you can do with a cell phone you just don't know where to start. I feel like Luann a cell phone is no longer just for making phone calls. Now that we were on vacation my son took out his Blackberry to get directions, find the restuant number, call, and make dinner reservations no more of wondering if you are lost or not (no more reason to stop and ask for directions. Now using it in the school room there are lots of possiblities and lots of issues that can come up with cheating, texting each other for the answers , googling the answers, the cheating possiblites are endless. I am sure in my life time the laptop will be replaced by the iphone or something like that it is all ready on its way of doing that. Just looking at the websites that are out there is endless. i just like knowing that I can google a business or resturant on my cell phone and get directions and a phone number and know where I am going.

Lots of information to digest.


clerks a rockin said...

Hi Maddie, I am with you, maybe it's time to dig out the cell phone and charge it. I don't even know my phone number!

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